Wednesday, November 30, 2011


It seems like the world is on the edge of losing it or just going nuts. In Washington the politicians want to help the American people so bad that they can't agree on anything. They are so busy trying to make each other look bad they are tearing this country apart and it not only here but in all the countries around the world except for a few who still have a working brain.
Governments have gone nuts with spending money on things that had no benefit to their countries and now they want only the lower class to pick up the tab. Yes every country has it's ivory towers and their own government elite. They seem to be in a world of their own like they have loss touch with reality.
People are dying around the world from wars,starvation,disease,poverty and none of the governments seems to give a DAMN or they just don't know how to stop it or if they want to. We have lost a generation of good leaders and now we are stuck with what we have now. The working people around the world are getting the shaft while the politicians and Corporations are getting the GOLD mine. We need to work together in this world to have hope that humanity will survive. Pray that good old common sense will prevail once more.

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