Tuesday, July 16, 2013


I know I haven't finish my story about my dog Ladybug. But with so much going on in America and around the world I just have a problem with my thinking right now. But when things cool down I will finish the story. I and my dog ladybug thank you for your understanding.


I guess I wonder why their are people in this country and around the world who are so intent on dividing the world and here at home by using the color or religion of people to try and start either a race war or a religion war between the people. Is this their agenda for us to kill each other off?
We have a news media's who loves to sprout racism at every chance they get. It was a the news media that came up with the word hoodie. So if you saw someone walking around at night in a hoodie  be afraid of the person because he up to know good regardless if he is white, black or Hispanic. Then you have people like Al Sharpen and Jesse Jackson that jump on tv and tell you this is all about race profiling and hate crime.Where are they when in Chicago where there are so many blacks being murdered by blacks at a rate of 94%. Why aren't they there protesting. What about a black man just release from prison and  breaks into a young white mothers house and begins beating her almost to death with her terrified children sitting on the couch with their faces covered so as not have to watch their mother being beaten by a black man needing drug money. I have both black and Hispanic people living near and around me and yes if any of them ever call for help I would do whatever it took to defend them against a home invader regardless if that invader was black,white or Hispanic. Why you say because they are my friends and I know they would do the seem for me. So keep your hate and racism in the big cities we don't need it or want it out her in the rural area's. We live and let live here.
Will if you all want to kill each other in those big cities well that's your choice to make. If you want to be lead around like a bunch of sheep with these leaders sprouting off about all the hate between blacks and whites or because of you religion difference's then all I can say is be careful of who you follow. Their will me no winners only losers we will have lost our country and a lot of brave Americans both white and black if this hate is continue to be driven by a few with nothing to lose.

Friday, July 12, 2013


I was watching the MSM last night which I normally don't watch because they read from teller promtors what they are allowed to talk about . You know like programed robots. Anyway they were discussing the Zimmerman trail about a young Hispanic man that was on security watch in his area and a confrontation with a young Black American youth 17 yrs old at the time. they struggled and the Hispanic was on the bottom from what is said and his head being pounded into the concrete pavement he yelled for help he drew his gun and shoot and killed the young youth. Now they say they youth was on drugs when the body was examine I don't know if that's true or not. But now the black community demanded this Hispanic person be arrested for murder but the police wanted to do more investigating for proof of what really happen. But now we get to the interesting part the Governor of the state of Florida wanted him arrested now when the police didn't comply the Governor fire him and hire a new police chief so now he could be arrested because of they unrest not because he was yet proofing guilty yet and The president of the United States and make a statement that if he had a son he would look just like the young youth. Then they hie a special prosecutor to try this young Hispanic in a hurried up trail even though they didn't have enough evidence.  To make it worst you have a judge who is so afraid of not being reelected that she is helping the prosecutor in every way to convict this person and here he kicker you have these black leaders marching with the black Americans and are now calling this young Hispanic man a WHITE HISPANIC. It sounds like these black leaders will do whatever it take to keep the RACE CARD in play. Now lets say you have a white mother and a black father would you then be called a WHITE NEGRO. Its amazing to me what some of these so called black leaders will do to keep their faces in the news. Oh and by the way the DOJ department of Justice also sent people down to Fla but not as peace keepers but to join in to the protest rally. I wondered who ordered that brilliant move. Say what Pres! S.A.D.

Wednesday, July 10, 2013


Well it's time for the 2nd round of gun control. Obama,Biden,Bloomberg,Feinstein, Shuma,Como, Gifford and lets not forget Mccain and the 900 mayors against illegal gun owners. Well wait a minute I think now they are call Mayors against assault weapon oh wait a minute now they are for mayors for gun control.
I really don't know what their called to day because Bloomberg keeps changing the name of his followers.
Well lets break this down. Mayor Bloomberg has stated he will put up 14 million dollar's to remove from office any politician that voted know on gun control by spending thousands of dollars in advertising against their re elections. So lets see he thinks he can buy  Americans votes with all his money. I don't think so. But I am sure you can buy some Mayors who would love a large donation from Mayor Bloomberg to there reelection campaign funding. Wow just think what 14 million dollars could do in the low class area's of New York with feeding the poor our buying back guns from illegal owners Or even help the homeless that are eating out of dumpsters and sleeping on the streets of New York. Better then that how about helping the starving seniors in Israel who have to ask American to donate $25.00 for a small box of food. But we know that's not his style it got to be climatic and worthy of his power and money.
But he has his followers that feel the same way as he does about flooding the airways thru the controlled main street media about guns without ever showing any logical proof for what they are saying to back it up. If you want to know if your mayor is on Bloombergs payroll I am sure you can find their names somewhere on the Internet. These people really aren't about guns it's the 2nd amendment and the Constitution they are really after because they want the government to have more power to decide how they can control your life and America. When they were elected they took and oath right there that tells you to them it was just a bunch of words they had to say when being elected. I get a chuckle every morning when congress goes into session with a morning by the way was taken out of our schools and pledge alliance to the flag when they come to the word republic I am sure it sticks in some of their throats. So while they use the term gun control we will be fighting for our constitutional rights and they can be sure we will not forget or forgive those who votes to go against out constitution given to us from our forefathers and we Will remember them when they come up for reelection. So I advise to all politicians be sure what is in the bill before you vote because it may just end your political career. S.A.D.

Sunday, July 7, 2013


So here we are with spooks spying on spooks. Well lets see every country around the world has been spying on each other since the begining of time. Now they hack us and we hack them welcome to the new world of spooks.
But the differents now is the spooks are now spying on their own people. Is because they have bcome tired of spying on each other or is it they want to know everything about you from birth to death. It seems they already know everything about us already but they are hook on spying like a addiot hook on drugs. It is differant in each country here in America they are for total control of the people and the destruction of our consitution. There are people here in the USA that hate the consitution because according to them it give's the people to much power over the government.
But when they get caught with lying or stealing the first thing they do is stand and hide behind the fifth amendment of our consitution. Kinda sound like a bunch of hiprocrits don't it. They when I say they it's people like Bloomberg that saids it should be changed to a up dated America. But now he wants the government to have more power and of course he does that would really make him and all his freinds very happy.
Kinda like what happened when Hitler came into power but I guess he has forgoten what the results were of that  decision had on the Jews and Pols in WW11. Our government and some of their friends would love to demolish our consitution so we the people would become we the slaves.
They will have to destroy this country before we will ever allow that to happen down to the last American. There are things in the consitution we the people will not surrender no matter how the government votes because to take those God given rights away would be a act of TREASON. But always remember we put you in office and we the people can remove you from office simply by voting you out and if that doesn't work by our God given rights under the Consitution. People around the world today are fighting for their freedom and we are fighting to keep our freedom. GOD BLESS AMERICA AND LONG LIVE THE REPLUBIC AND THE CONSITUTION. S.A.D.