Friday, November 11, 2011


You probably want to know what I am talking about(right). The problem in Washington is they have nothing at stake as to put their ASS on the line like they have put the American people have thanks to them. What have they offered in cuts in their Washington's elite club?
I haven't seen anything about pay cuts,travel cuts,benefits cuts, staff cuts or housing costs. I like to see were the government has tried to curb their costs in Washington. If you want the American people to put their ASS on the line you need to be the first to drop your pants. Not only Washington but all around the world governments are putting all the problems on their peoples backs. You wonder if these genius's we have in Washington can't run this country and do the things they were sent there for like curtail spending and make sure every American pays their fair share in taxes and get our budget under control we well lose.
It makes you wonder who controls their budget's at their homes. Most likely their wife's and in that case maybe they are the ones we should have elected.
We the American people need to stop complaining because we just keep putting the same genius's back in office and they just keep screwing up. I don't care what party you belong to it won't change until we all start becoming Americans again and start doing what is best for our country. As the old saying goes MONEY talks BULLSHIT walks and That's is what controls the our Washington TODAY...SAD

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