Tuesday, November 22, 2011


Did you really think that a committee from the do nothing congress and senate could come together. Hogwash!
They just stuck it to the American people again. They knew were it would end up. Nowhere. Answer me this why do we fall for the same crap that comes out of Washington over and over again . No wonder they believe the American people will fall for it again and again. I wonder just how many Americans really believed they would come up with an answer or were they just buying more time feeding us the same BULLS'' " T as they have been from both parties.
WE THE PEOPLE. Has that become a joke the American people believe in. Do you really think our voices are heard in Washington or do you believe they have falling on DEAF ears. Do you remember the statement
a house divided within can not survive. Will folks here we are. This country has never been more divided in the history of this country. We have let greedy corporations along with greedy politicians take our capital from the American people.
We are the ones to blame each and every one of us.. We have looked the other way while all this has been going on. You say what can we do now? Will we can close our ears and shut our eyes or we can raise up and throw all these morons out and start fresh with people who care about this country and remember we are all Americans first not rich,poor black,white or brown but Americans. SAD

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