Monday, December 5, 2011


As a great many of us grew up in this country we were taught to depend on ourselves and to work hard for the things we wanted out of life. Somewhere along the line we have found ways to get money from our government for free. Their are people who have learned how to beat the system and have the rest of us pay for it.

Some how a part of our people have become so dependent on the government for hand outs that they forgot how to go out and earn their own way in life. I am not talking about retirees who work all their life and paid into the system for their future retirement or the ones that really need the help. I am talking about that percent that feel like the people and government owe them a living. Yes our system is broke because their are some Americans that have found the ways to beat the system. We can't blame everything on our government for the programs they pass to help the people that needed it but be mad at the ones that have taken advantage of it.
I am afraid we have gone from a working country to a welfare country because their are two many Americans with their hands out wanting somethings for nothing that are able to get out there and work for a living. Somewhere along the way these individuals have lost their pride and self respect. The government has its problems but so do we. Somewhere along the way we have lost self dependence of who we are. SAD

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