Monday, December 19, 2011


It seems like every time I turn on the TV I hear about were we are sending some country Billions of US dollars. It seems like when we elect politicians and send them to Washington and they take their oath of allegiance to the United States of America they become Brain Dead.
We got Hillary Clinton running around the world with a American tax payer check book handing out billions dollars in aid to all these different countries that have no use for this country. What are we the welfare office of the world? After all the blood of our young men and women have given in Iraq and while this was going on who was in there making deals with the Iraq politicians, China, Russia and Iran for their oil and minerals.
I thought they were to pay us back with oil money but I think we got a snow job and its still going on. The same thing is going on in Afghanistan. They want us out but be sure we still send them Billions of dollars in aid while they make back door deals with other countries for their minerals. We send aid to all these countries while they let their people die from starvation and corrupt officials. They keep the money for themselves, their friends
and their military. We have people in this country dying from poverty and young soldiers living on the streets in every city in this country because of lack of help from our government who sent them to war in the first place. We need to fix our own house before we fix other peoples house's and lets quit sending money to country politicians who only use it for their own benefit and not their people. LORD WHEN WILL WE LEARN. How proud should we as Americans be by having thousands of homeless children in this country.
Its time to wake up people. Our country is going to Hell in a handbag. So think about these things when you sit down with your families and ask the Lord to bless you for all you have while so many do without.
We have already lost our government in Washington lets not also lose the thing that made this the greatest
country in the world. The love for each other and a wellingness to help when and where we can.  SAD

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