Sunday, May 5, 2013


Are we failing our children in today's society the answer is yes. So many of our children are left to fend for themselves with both parents having to work and no one home to teach the children the important things we learned when their was a parent there.
We are not watching what is being fed into our children young minds as they begin to develop. Today they are being hit from all directions with conflicting facts about life. we allow them to be drugged. we allow them to be swade by violent people.We allow them to see violent movies with blood and guts all over the screens and then we allow them to go home and spend hours on the computer playing war games,end of the world games,zombie games and they are being taught killing has also become a game in real life.
We see children being taken from their home at the young age of 10-16 and given a gun and told they have to go kill people or strap on a bomb vest and go blow up innocent people up so they will go to heaven. So how do we stop it. I really don't know because there are evil people in this world that have such a low regard for human life I don't know if that will ever change. Maybe if we get to them early enough we can re program their minds but we have to get to them before it's to late. But that take money that we are to busy spending for wars to kill each other. The first line of defence is be careful who we have teaching our children. Be careful of all these drugs that our children are being put on. Fight to get rid of all these violent movies and online video games on our computers. we need to start teaching them the differences between right and wrong. If we don't start we are going to lose them forever. S.A.D.

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