Saturday, May 4, 2013


A simple question is would you prefer to hold 1oz of physical silver or gold in ur hand or would you prefer to hold a piece of paper that says you own  1oz of physical silver or gold that someone else is holding in their hand. Let me guess.
If I buy and hold 1oz of silver or gold in my hand I own it and control it but now if you buy a piece of paper telling me I own 1oz of silver or gold in somebody Else's hand do I really own it or do I and 99 other people think we own that same 1oz of silver or gold. Well that's how the paper market in silver and gold works. The elite,banksters 
and ultra fast computers control the price of paper metals and can change their values in a split second most likely when you are asleep or when the market is closed. That way they can scare you into selling whenever they decide it's more profitable for them. Just remember if you don't hold it in your hand you do own it. In paper you are buying a well be there when you want it.THINK ABOUT THAT. S.A.D.

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