Saturday, May 4, 2013


I don't think I am the smartest man in the world But I do look at things with common sense and what I keep seeing happening in this country and the world doesn't make any sense. Wall Street keeps going up and what is it based on. False information being feed to the people by the MSM which is bought and controlled by the banksters,large corporations and government.
So lets start with all these new jobs the economy just created around a 185,000 in April. What a joke!
Lets see how these jobs were created. Well if you are a small company and you know that any employee that works forty or more hours under Obmacare you will have to pay for health insurance for them but if you cut their hours back to thirty or less you don't. So how do we do that will cut back your forty hour workers to less then thirty hours and hire new employee's to work the reminding hours
so now you have created two part time Jobs instead of one forty hour job. Well that a train that's running out of track. A man or women with a family and a mortgage payment, car payment, utilities and food that depends on a forty hour week going to survive on losing half their take home pay. Well it sure make wall street and the government look good by showing all these jobs being created even though they are mostly part time. Think about it we could paper the world with all this fiat currency being printed by all these governments just to keep the banksters going and keep the stock market up in order to try and suck the small investor back in and this is going on around the world. There will only be two parts to this coming economy the haves and the have not's there will be no more middle class. So you better get ready cause it's coming and I truly believe it's already at the front door. According to the different governments around the world there will be no more bail out of banks from now on when they get in trouble they will have the right to take and use your savings accounts and if you don't believe me check it out on your own. So you better begin to watch your money in the banks along with your retirement funds,IRA's and 401 plans. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED! S.A.D.

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