Sunday, February 13, 2011

Our Young People of today.

You know all we seem to hear about is our kids who are not going to college for one reason or other like they have no future with out it. We need to take a closer look at our kids. The kids of today are so much more advanced then when we were growing up. Just take a look at their computer skills. They talk about kids dropping out of high school and we wonder why,
Sometimes I wonder are the kids of today becoming smarter then the older fashion teachers in our schools today? I have talked with a lot of kids and some of them tell me they just got to bored with school. I don't blame the teachers they have a hard job trying to stay ahead of these kids learning curve. Most kids today are so far advanced by the time they start school most of them can already read do math and are a whiz on a computer or gaming consoles.
So yes our teachers have a tough job because they also have to continue to learn to stay ahead of our kids. You know not all people need a college degree. When I hear that IBM, Microsoft and these other corporation have  to go overseas to find educated employee's what a crock. Are you trying to till me you need a college degree to work an assembly line installing computer hardware I don't think so.
That's a bunch of crap. How many college grades do you see driving nails into boards building a house? How many do you see repairing bridges, roadways and underground utilities so lets get real. Not everyone can or are willing to spend the next twenty years paying off student loans. All these young people want is to make a descent wage and to enjoy the American dream. So lets not say to our kids if you don't go to college you have no future.
Lets just say to our kids be all you can be because the world as we know it would stop without you and whatever course you take or job you should strive to be the best with or without a college degree..SAD

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