Saturday, June 11, 2011

where's this country going ( part3 )

Have you really thought about where the next true Armageddon will hit. Well it's already happening. Just take a look at the world weather. Look at all the crop failures happening around the world. We know whats coming.
Thousands of people will starve to death because of all these crops failures. Soon a basket of wheat or corn will cost the same as a barrel of oil. Are you preparing for it. I have started buying some nonperishable items. I can be wrong but I would feel a Little better if my pantry was stocked. Just look around the world at all the people starving right now and it is coming to our shores to.
We have always been there to help feed the world when needed but the the disasters we have had in our farm belt, alot of crops have been lost. You don't see many people on TV or in Washington talking much about it. I am not trying to alarm people but please pay attention to what going on in the world with all the ,drought's, flooding, wild fires,earthquakes and wars. There are around seven billion people on this earth. That's alot of people to feed in the best of times.

I am just saying just don't get caught off guard. Pay attention to whats going on around the world with the weather in all the different countries. I hope you understand this message I am trying to get out to you. GOD BLESS YOU AND GOD BLESS AMERICA..

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