Monday, June 20, 2011


I really don't care what party you are affiliated with or are a independent do you really feel like Washington is listening. I feel like the one thing that is hurting us all we have forgot we are Americans first. That we need to pull together to pick the best men to run our government. If you listen to all the hog wash from both sides you start wondering is anybody telling the truth anymore. They tell us what we want to hear and then do what their told by powerful powers in Washington to what they can do and we all know who the controls the power in Washington.

It's sad what we have let Washington and it's powerful allies get away with because we are so divided by party affiliations. If you look real close you can see we the American people have lost our voices in our cooperate capital. We spend BILLIONS nation building around the world and you know who paying for it The lower class Americans. You notice I did not say middle class. We all know there are only two classes in this great country. That's the UPPER and the LOWER. time to face the reality. The seniors trust funds turned out to be Washington's piggy bank till it ran out of money. Now it's the so call middle class and lower class that has become Washington's piggy bank. We the seniors did not ask for all these entitlement's but were shove down on us by large cooperation's back by government controls.

SO HERE WE ARE. Broke no money to sustain them, fraud and abuse running rampant in all these entitlement's and a government that will step over a dollar to save a dime and what is our government about it. 
sitting in their ivory tower accusing each other for this mess we are in when both have created it. Mean while 14 or so millions Americans wonder where their next job or meals for their families are going to come from..

Shame America, Shame Mr President and Shame Congress and Senate and all you CEO's sitting in your towers of GREED. You know who you are. SAD

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