Sunday, December 30, 2012


As I get older I sometimes wonder have I gotten smarter or dumber! The American people are so focused on the fisical edge that nobody is watching whats going on behind the closed back doors.

They have become more interested in money that they can't see our freedom's slowly being taken away because nobody paying attention. All these little bills eating away our Consitution and Bill of rights. The UN witch is full of a lot of little countries want to tell us how we should live when they can't even control their own countries violents.
Now our goverment is slowly telling us we are all terroist if we own a gun and young veterans comming home from war should now be consider terroist and that includes preppers and the Tea party. Where is it going to stop?
Now Washington has given the president the power over closing down the internet and giving more power to the goverment law inforcer's to take away our freedom's of  rights  under the Consitution and Bill of rights that this country was found upon. Well this is this planets last stand against a powerful group of bankers, corparations and the rich of the riches who want to control the world .
They have almost completed that goal in Europe and now they want to attack America. We will not allow that to happen to our country. We were born with these rights and if needed we will die fighting for them. If the rest of the world want to be lead around like sheep so let it be but their are people in this country who will not be lead by any world order not elected by by our own people. We have shed our blood all over the world to defend freedom don't think for a moment we won't shed it on our own soil to protect our freedom's from foreign or domestic attackers. No Man or Country can take away what GOD has given us. BE FREE BE BLESS. SAD

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