Thursday, January 17, 2013


You know I was going to write my third part about Ladybug but with heavy thought about whats going on in this country about gun control I felt I needed to put in print my feelings and thoughts.
I first thought was how horrible was that day all  of gods children were murdered and why. We in America have lost something that use to be a part of our live ( Morals ). There is right and there is wrong and there is no middle ground. When I see children being kill all over the world it always saddens me. Some countries use the excuse war and terrorism as to why these things happen. It dosen't make any different who does the killing there is no justification for these acts.
I am a old man, a vet,law enforcement and a gun owner. I have been around guns al my life in one way or another I have raised two boys who are now men and were taught the responceability of gun ownership. They were raise around guns and were taught how to use them and to never use one in anger only if you or someone you love lives are in danger.
I am an oath taker to defend the consitution of the United States and that didn't end when I was discharge from the srevice. That oath was made to the people of America and I will always honor it
until I part from this earth. I have seen and heard of chilling stories of home invasions were the father who didn't beleave in owning a gun and I respect his right to do so. Had to  sit by while a man or gang beat him up and rape his wife in front of him then decided to  murder the whole family so they wouldn't be able to identify them. Thats a terror no man wants his loves ones to ever go through. We all know this world is becomming more unsafe every year from criminals who don't give a second though about robbing,raping, killing honest law abiding people. We know our law enforcement do the best they can under our present conditions in this country and around the world but they can't always be there fast enough to save you even have time to call. Whenever somthing like Sandy Ridge happens the first thing they do is go after the law abidding gun owners. Have you ever heard what they are going to do about going into the area's of gangs and take their guns away? No becuase they know it would be a blood bath. Criminals don't care about the 2nd amendment or gun registration they couldn't care less. So lets go after the law abiding people put up a smoke screen and take away their rights. What about machete's how many people around the world have been mudered, mame
and butchered by a lunatic wheeling one of those at you . I think I would prefer to be shot. So whats the answer? I just don't kow I guess believe in God,get back to morality and always try to do whats  right. This world has so many problems sometimes I wonder could God even strighten them out. SAD

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