Tuesday, September 17, 2013


Gun control and here we go again blaming all legal gun owners for the government in ability not to enforce the gun laws already on the books. All this points right back at the government and law enforcement. The warnings were there but no one seemed to want to act apond them.
When this Young Man with a anger problem had had two shooting incidents no one reacted to find out what was his problem and see if this young man should even have owned guns. This young man went onto he naval shipyard in Washington DC and killed 12 people (why)? Why did he have a security contractor ID? Why wasn't these background checks showing up these past problems with this young man. Look at Washington DC which have one of the toughness gun laws in America and the naval shipyard that has security all over he place failed to prevent this tragedy.
Now all the liberals in Washington headed up by Feinstien ,Shuma,Obama and the rest of their group will  want more laws to be put in place with the ones they can't seem to enforce now. The system failed and they will not take the responsibility for that. All they can do is point fingers and blame everyone else. The law enforcement failed to use the current laws on the books and the government failed to properly do a background check by leaving it up to a contractor to do their own background check. The gun owners of America know that Fienstein doesn't want more gun laws she wants our guns. She and her elite friends don't worry about being attack or have a home invasion because they all have armed bodyguard's and live in gated communities. You hear that all the elite,movie stars,singers politicians and anyone with any kind if standing in this country have armed bodyguards.
When the government starts to enforce the laws already on the books then a difference will happen.
But now Feinstein will be running up and downs the halls of congress blaming everyone else who didn't vote her way for what happened in the naval shipyard in DC. This young man had a mental problem and that's what we need to focus on and try to prevent this from happening again

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