Thursday, September 5, 2013


I sit here at home and wonder about the so call RED LINE on chemical weapons that so many countries signed  agreement treaty banning them from ever being used. We see women and children being killed by them which is a horrible site to see.
My problem is why now do we want to attack Assad for using them even when they say he cross the RED LINE. When Hussin use them to kill thousands in Iraq we stood by. By saying we stood by that means also the international countries did the same. When Iraq went to war with Iran and ten's of thousands Iranians were killed in chemical attacks where was America and the international countries then to condem the use of them.
Are we to pick and choose when and by who these weapons can be use against being an enemy or thier own cilvillians. Are we to set back and allow a country to use them if the country being attack is a country we don't like. If we are to stop such use of these weapons all countries must be involved in saying NO and to back it up with whatever action the international union see's fit to use to stop it period. We can't pick and choose when to enforce the RED LINE. Any country that stand in the way of stopping the use of chemical weapons are as guilty as the person or country's that used them. S.A.D.

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