Friday, November 16, 2012


You know as I get older and relize my time on earth is getting closer to the end I just wonder well we ever learn to live together on this small earth we call home.
As I get older I feel like the answer is no. I can't believe our God by whatever name you call him by would be so forgivng of his children on earth for all the sin's we have made using his name as an excuse to commit them. I really don't think that God would even thou he is so forgiving. We have broken all of God's rules for our own gains against each other by wars,greed,corruption and the worst of all KILLING our fellow men,woman and children. If you stood before God today what could you tell in justication of why we have behave as we have? I have come by the concusion if we do not want to live by God's words in our holy books then lets just throw them in the trash and quit using them to justify our action that we take aginst each other. Praying does'nt give forgivness only actions can give forgivness. Be WISE and BE BLESSED.

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