Sunday, March 20, 2011


Will we survive the mess the country is in? Sometimes I wonder about all these entitlements that we receive. Are they really necessary? I'm talking about the programs like the prescription drug program, health care programs and all the others. The only ones that really benefit are the insurance companies. Maybe if we didn't have these programs maybe the doctors and hospitals could lower their prices by not having to fill out all the government and insurance forms to get paid.
It sure would cut out all the fraud in the system. Well it's just one old man's thoughts. I also wonder about a national lottery where the drawings where held once a month. There wouldn't be just one winner but many winners ever month. Lets say 40% goes to prizes,10-15% go to the cost of the program and the reminder to go into a defecit fund to pay it down. Tickets would be $1.00 and the prizes would be one maximum prize of $50,000 per winner divided by the amount of dollars in the 40% prize money which would equal alot of winners every month. I think alot of people would like a chance to win $ 50,000 on a $1.00 ticket. I hope you understand what I trying to say.
Anyhow just a thought. I think this program would help a lot of people and our defecit in the trouble times. Thanks for reading this blog. SAD

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