Wednesday, February 10, 2016


We started this blog to brng the people of the world the truth. I am sad at what I see going on in the world today. The people of the world being controlled by so many crooked governments, Banksters and wealthy indevisauls. WAR? This is thier goal to have us kill each other off. Its not about money no more it's about POWER over the people of the world. What do yoou think would happen if the people of the world said to there governments NO MORE WARS. We just want to live our lifes were we can love. live and be free to persure our own futures. I don't care who you call GOD AND BY WHAT NAME. THAT ISYOUR RIGHT. Allow me the same. If the people rose up and said no more wars. Do you think woirld leaders,bankers and elites  would go to war themselfs and fight. Wouldn't that be a wonderful site instead of sending our young men and women to die in some unjust war or conflict. We the people of the world are being controlled by a few while we are so many. Only the people of the world can stop all Wars by just saying NO,NO,NO. PEACE AND BE BLESSED. S.A.D.

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